Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 6

Dr. is giving me something for the flu...John had an x ray today and his left lung has more fluid.  they are going to try and control this with a diuretic every 12 hours.  we are waiting to see if the chemo changes the tumor mass in any way before he does anything else.  He is doing the alivitos treatment and nutritional treatments along side the low does chemo.
Pray for rest...encouragement of the heart...
Another weepy day...

This was Momma's last email, we need to tell everyone we know to pray!
I know this is hard for them and at times feels even harder for us on this end to not be able to hug them, love on them, and help... so prayer is the best way to help and encourage them! Email them with scripture, or thoughts, they would love to hear from everyone, just know responses might be slow!

Thanks Heather

1 comment:

  1. We are praying....I hope they feel our love as it is immense.
