Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wonderful news

Dear Friends and Family,

Rejoice with us!!!!  We are heading home on Tuesday.  John had his third and final round of chemo yesterday...Friday the 20th of Jan.
His white blood count is holding and he is not having nausea.  We are so we told you before the tumors under Johns arm and chest area have melted away.  He has finished the Alivizatos IVs and nutritional IVs  and we will bring home a vaccine called, autologous dendritic vaccines.  We will return to the Bio Care Hospital in four months for two weeks for a booster treatment.  John gets stronger everyday.  His weight is down because he could not eat with the mouth sores...but in time the weight will come back.

We are looking forward to seeing each of you...we have much to share and can hardly wait to get back home.  We could never thank you enough for your prayers, e-mails, phone calls, cards and financial support during this time.  God is meeting our every need, day by day. I will meet with the financial office on Monday and then I will give an update on how the Lord has provided thus far on this journey.

We have been constantly reminded that God is Sovereign, God is faithful and we can trust Him.

Mary for us both

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