Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 4

John began his chemo on Friday morning...he slept through most of the treatment.  Today he is very sick to his stomach and feeling over all not so good.  The staff here are very attentive and kind.  The edema is still a problem and they have added a blood thinner to prevent a blood clot.  Dr. Vazquez  assures us that as the tumors shrink he will feel better.  They are also coming along side this treatment with immune building treatments and  nutritional supplements by IV.

Usually on News Years Eve, we gather at our home in Brevard, NC, have a special dinner and fire in the fire place.  Some time during the evening we gather in the fireplace room, open our stockings (which did not get hung this year) and then each person shares their thoughts about their year...good and bad...and what they hope to accomplish in the new year. Some of  our children and their children are gathering at the house
and carrying on this tradition which was passed to me by my parents.

If I was with them, my thoughts would be:

This has been the most difficult year of my father in-law passed away in January, my mother in April, John and I have faced some very difficult challenges personally and physically. Life has been difficult. I read recently that, Corrie ten Booms sister said,"No pit is so deep that He is not deeper still"  I am experiencing this at this very moment...His love is a transforming love, and I am confident He will see us to the end.
This has also been one of the best year of my life...We have spent many days with our wonderful children and our grandchildren. My relationship with my beautiful sisters and sister in love, has grown.   God has provided our every need.  I  watched as our grandson Garrett professed Christ publicly and was their for his Baptism.(He is 9)  I watched as our 9 th grandchild came into this world. I am growing, Christ is renewing me and making me whole.
My prayer for the new year???

"Sovereign Lord, according to Your promise, You work All things together for my good when I love You and respond to Your call and purpose for my life. Help me learn to love and obey You so I can experience Your best in ALL things.  And help me trust You when I don't understand all you allow to come my way.  Open my mind to understand Your sovereignty." Amen  (Gripped By The Greatness of God,  James MacDonald)

I know John would share if he was feeling better...but he does send his love and wishes you, as do I for
Mary (for us both)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 3

Hey everyone, 
This is Heather I am updating you on behalf of Momma and Dad. 

They didn't get much sleep last night due to Dad being in pain, his edema is still increasing and they have started him on diuretics. He also started his chemo (a low dose) this morning and they are hopeful this will allow the tumors to shrink. His tumors are growing rapidly he has them in his back, side and across the chest wall and starting to press against the heart and also into his throat, we are thankful he has started the chemo and trust that this will bring some relief. Dad has been sleeping a lot today and ate a little for lunch. Pray for wisdom and peace while they are there, and pray that Dads pain will ease and he will be able to heal quickly! 

Funny story Momma shared: She had a driver drop her off at the Wal-Mart and told him she could walk back on her own. (which let me add she would KILL us if we ever did that in another country!!!) she took her time walking around the store and gathering everything Dad needed, when she looked outside it was almost dark. She realized she had too much stuff to carry so she had to go buy a suitcase with rollers to get everything back to the hospital. As she walked out guys started talking to her and asking if she wanted a ride... Momma said she looked ahead and started praying out loud (oh how I wish we could watch this on video) she made it across the 4 lane hwy and safely into the hospital, the staff was grateful to see her :) note to self... DON'T DO WHAT SHE DID!!!!

We love you and are grateful for all you are doing, 


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 2

Wow, after a calm morning and good talk with Dr. Vazquez, who has suggested John take a low dose of chemo to shrink the tumors, they sent us for an ultra sound. To check the  kidneys for ability to tolerate the chemo.  Very hard on John because he had to drink lots of water, and lay flat on his back.   He is having some pain from  the fluids  traveling  around the body trying to find a place to go.  Even though he is drinking lots of H2O he is dehydrated.  They are putting him on IV fluids and will start the chemo this evening.

He is nauseated and uncomfortable because of extra fluid retention.  They will start  diuretics soon.

We are back in our room now and starting IVs.  Test show he can tolerate the low dose chemo.

Verse for today:

O Lord, You bring death and make alive;

You bring down to the grave and raise up.
You, Lord send poverty and wealth;
You humble and You exalt.
You raise the poor from the dust
   and lift the needy from the ash heap,
To seat them with princes and make them inherit a
   throne of honor.
For the foundations of the earth are Yours, O Lord,
   and You have set the world upon them.
(I Samuel 2:6-8)


Lord, whatever pleases You, You do in the heavens and

    on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.
(Psalm 135:6)

What does this mean to us???


We love you thank you for your prayers...


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 1

John woke up with pain this am.   They have gotten that under control.  They have put the port in successfully!!  This was tricky because he is in the most pain when he lays down flat...which needed to be done to put the port in.  The doctor thought  we may need to go to the operating room for this process but tried outpatient first.  After putting it in, the Dr. said, "We were very lucky",  Johns reply was, " no we are very blessed".

Another Dr. was just in and checking Johns lungs, has found fluid in his lower left lung.  He has ordered and X ray.
They have started his first Port drips and we are in our room resting.

The breakfast was wonderful...homemade Yogurt, granola, different fresh made juices, fresh baked breads, eggs to order, served in a beautiful little dinning room with other people and companions here for treatment.

There is a garden terrace on top of the clinic that has recliners and chairs to get some sun and fresh air.  They also have exercise equipment up there for patients and others. Lots of beautiful foliage.

My verse for today,

O God, You are the One who gives endurance and encouragement: grant that we be of the same mind toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord and one mouth we may glorify You, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6)

We love you all and feel blessed to have you as friends and family praying, encouraging and helping us in our journey.  Please know we are grateful and humbled by your out pouring of love, blessings and prayers.

In His Arms,


The Fiery Trial

I have decided that is what this journey with the Big C has become. The Bible doesn't say we will not have fiery trials, it just says we should not think it strange that we do. It is absolutely amazing the circumstances this experience has brought about. From travel to travail and all the totally unexpected turns along the way. Watching the Father work in and around and through it all to bring good. Romans 8:28 is such a wonderful and all encompassing promise. Which made someone state, "there is ultimately no bad for the people of God!" When coupled with the fact that all means all, it becomes very comforting.

We experienced one of the greatest turns on this journey about two months ago when I noticed a new tumor forming under the left arm. This began to cause pressure on nerves and blood vessels, and we were informed I would need surgery. The surgery was successful, but afterwards we were told there had been a change in the diagnosis from Follicular Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma to Diffuse Large B-Cell. Since my cancer is systemic, more surgery or radiation would not be helpful. Therefore, the only treatment western medicine could offer for my cancer is chemotherapy. This being the case, we have chosen the Alivizatos treatment, which will be administered at the IBC Hospital in Tijuana,Mexico. For more information, please visit their website

As many of you know, from the very beginning of this journey, through prayer and investigation, I have sensed that the Lord would not have me accept chemotherapy. Mary and my family have supported fully in this decision.

At this point, our desire is that you would pray for us to know God's continued leading on this journey. Mary and I are prayerful that all our decisions will be made to heal and protect this body so that we may continue to bring Praise, Honor, and Glory to His name while we are here.

We will be leaving for Tijuana,Mexico, December 27, 2011, and  Lord willing, returning on January 19, 2012. During these 21 days, I will be under the care of very competent physicians.

We found out from a dear friend who lives in our town that he and his son were both treated for tumors and cancer at the IBC hospital. We also learned of a lady in Brevard who had throat cancer and has been completely healed according to her Oncologist to date.

We will be taking a sabbatical for at least one year to focus on health and family relationships. Please remember us in your prayers during this time. If you wish to continue to support us during our sabbatical, all tax deductible funds will be received through PEF c/o John Linville, PO Box 1931, Brevard, NC 28712.

We look forward to giving you good news as it is received, but will keep you in our prayers and updated as to our progress.

In His Arms,

John Linville

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mexico Bound

We just started this process a few weeks ago and can't believe we are already here and starting on Johns cancer treatment...  

The flights were okay today, John did have some pain during the flights but we were able to manage it with some pain medication. This will be the first night in the hospital and we are expecting great things! 

Thank you all for your love, all the cards, gifts, visits, phone calls, encouragement and prayers! 
We will continue to keep you posted on this journey we are on... One day at a time. 

Love, John and Mary