Thursday, June 21, 2012

Low White Blood Count...

Dear Friends and Family,
A quick update on Johns health.  He had a blood panel done today.  His white blood count is extremely low, 0.6.  This is about where it was when he was put in isolation in Mexico in January.   When the count goes this low one is at risk for infection and your body has nothing to fight off the infection.  So he can have  limited visitors,  no one who has a cold,cough,fever, etc.  we are wearing mask, washing our hands often and trying to get John to rest!!!!  (not an easy task) Please call if you can, that way we can limit the time he is up.
He is scheduled to have another blood count done on Wednesday the 27th.  If the counts are up he will begin the 2nd round of chemo that day at the Brevard Clinic.  And then be admitted to  Mission St. Joseph on the 28th-30th for the 24/7 chemo.  Pray with us that he can stay on schedule and that his counts will go up.

I am scheduled to go out west with our daughter, Beth and her husband Todd Goins and 5 of our beautiful grandchildren on the 29th of June.  We have been planning this trip for a while and John is encouraging me to go ahead and go.  Soooooo, I am going.  Johns sister, Peggy Haden, our kids and a few friends are going to fill in the gaps so I can go and I am grateful.

Some verses that I am camping on today!!!

I will not depend on human strength, but on YOU, O LORD my GOD, for help and deliverance. 2 Chronicles 16:7-8,12

YOU, the LORD alone have declared what is to come from the distant past.
There is no god apart from YOU, a righteous GOD and a SAVIOR.  There is none beside YOU. YOU are GOD and there is no other.  Isaiah 45:21-22

I will sing of YOUR strength, yes, I will sing of YOUR mercy in the morning, for YOU have been my Stronghold, my Refuge in times of trouble.
To YOU, O my Strength, I will sing praises for YOU are my Fortress, my Loving GOD.  Psalm 59:16-17

We love you, we are grateful for you and your prayers, cards, encouragement and support as we walk this path, wanting only to be a reflection of our Father!!

In His Arms,

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