Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Fiery Trial

I have decided that is what this journey with the Big C has become. The Bible doesn't say we will not have fiery trials, it just says we should not think it strange that we do. It is absolutely amazing the circumstances this experience has brought about. From travel to travail and all the totally unexpected turns along the way. Watching the Father work in and around and through it all to bring good. Romans 8:28 is such a wonderful and all encompassing promise. Which made someone state, "there is ultimately no bad for the people of God!" When coupled with the fact that all means all, it becomes very comforting.

We experienced one of the greatest turns on this journey about two months ago when I noticed a new tumor forming under the left arm. This began to cause pressure on nerves and blood vessels, and we were informed I would need surgery. The surgery was successful, but afterwards we were told there had been a change in the diagnosis from Follicular Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma to Diffuse Large B-Cell. Since my cancer is systemic, more surgery or radiation would not be helpful. Therefore, the only treatment western medicine could offer for my cancer is chemotherapy. This being the case, we have chosen the Alivizatos treatment, which will be administered at the IBC Hospital in Tijuana,Mexico. For more information, please visit their website

As many of you know, from the very beginning of this journey, through prayer and investigation, I have sensed that the Lord would not have me accept chemotherapy. Mary and my family have supported fully in this decision.

At this point, our desire is that you would pray for us to know God's continued leading on this journey. Mary and I are prayerful that all our decisions will be made to heal and protect this body so that we may continue to bring Praise, Honor, and Glory to His name while we are here.

We will be leaving for Tijuana,Mexico, December 27, 2011, and  Lord willing, returning on January 19, 2012. During these 21 days, I will be under the care of very competent physicians.

We found out from a dear friend who lives in our town that he and his son were both treated for tumors and cancer at the IBC hospital. We also learned of a lady in Brevard who had throat cancer and has been completely healed according to her Oncologist to date.

We will be taking a sabbatical for at least one year to focus on health and family relationships. Please remember us in your prayers during this time. If you wish to continue to support us during our sabbatical, all tax deductible funds will be received through PEF c/o John Linville, PO Box 1931, Brevard, NC 28712.

We look forward to giving you good news as it is received, but will keep you in our prayers and updated as to our progress.

In His Arms,

John Linville

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